Cyberon's Voice Recorder 使用說明
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注意事項 :
  • Cyberon Voice Recorder 預設支援使用 PC 麥克風、Android 手機、和透過 UART 裝置錄音。Android裝置須確認無其他程序占用錄音資源,並勾選開發人員選項中「USB偵錯」功能,設定步驟請參考
  • Cyberon Voice Recorder 亦支援一些 IC 板做為錄音裝置,若有需求請 聯繫我們
  • 必須先安裝 Plugin 才可以使用特定的錄音裝置進行錄音。請於選單 [說明] > [Developer Portal...] 開啟下載頁面,安裝後需要重新開啟程式。
  • 雙擊滑鼠左右鍵或用滑鼠滾輪可放大縮小聲音的波型圖,按著滑鼠左鍵可移動滑鼠拖曳波形,於選單 [檔案] > [畫面波形存檔...] 可將畫面顯示的波形存入檔案中。
  • 此錄音軟體支援 UART 裝置。
  • UART Recorder 僅支援 Com1~Com10,且優先使用數字較小的,若需要修改 Com 的設定,請參考下方步驟:


    2.選擇要修改的裝置,點擊右鍵→內容→連接埠設定→進階,下方即可直接修改 Port 號。
setup_Cyberon_VoiceRecorder_v3.63.exe(build 201709221551)
Release notes
Date Version Description
2016/02/03 1.0 First release
2016/02/16 1.1 1. Bug fix: Record stop.
2016/03/01 1.2 1. Add "Save Displayed Wave..." function.
2. Save program's language setting.
3. Bug fix: Open program fail when no default output device.
2016/03/02 1.21 1. Bug fix: exception error when unplug the PC microphone while recording.
2. Support input command text file at command line argument.
2016/03/10 1.3 1. Add "Restore" function.
2016/03/16 1.4 (build 201603181901) 1. Support load pcm file.
2016/03/29 1.5 (build 201603301720) 1. Support display of multi-channel waves.
2.Display plug-in versions in About.
2016/04/01 1.7 (build 201604012000) 1. Support record and display multi-channel wave data.
2. Allow setting channels and sample rate for PC microphone.
2016/04/13 1.9 (build 201604141400) 1. Improve efficiency and precision of drawing spectrum.
2016/04/18 2.0 (build 201604181115) 1. Further improve the efficiency of drawing spectrum.
2. Calculate SNR for the selected portion of waveform by pressing and moving the mouse.
2016/05/24 2.1 (build 201605241207) 1. Bug fix: failing to write recording voice when the user is not system administrator.
2016/06/23 2.2 (build 201606231600) 1. Bug fix: Draw spectrum error.
2016/06/24 2.22 (build 201606241600) 1. Update user interface.
2016/06/30 2.3 (build 201606301400) 1. Bug fix: Draw spectrum error.
2016/09/12 2.4 (build 201609121009) 1. Add UartRecord device.
2. Help menu add 'Developer Portal' option.
2016/09/13 2.7 (build 201609121009) 1. Bug fix for UartRecord ini file.
2016/10/18 2.8 (build 201610191120) 1. Some UI bug fixed.
2016/11/02 2.9 (build 201611021718) 1. Add UART recording device.
2016/11/08 3.0 (build 201611081231) 1. Some UI bug fixed.
2016/11/29 3.1 (build 201611301926) 1. Remember the last recording device.
2017/01/20 3.2 (build 201701191518) 1. Bug fix for hotkey "ctrl + s" and app update error.
2017/05/02 3.3 (build 201705021334) 1. Update DevUART.dll.
2017/05/16 3.4 (build 201705161221) 1. Use Serial Port instead UART.
2. Add select Serial Port.
2017/05/19 3.5 (build 201705151318) 1. Update Canvas.
2017/05/24 3.6 (build 201705231751) 1. Bug fix for version update.
2. Serial Port support WinXP.
2017/06/01 3.61 (build 201705311641) 1. Bug fix for Serial Port (stop rec).
2017/06/03 3.62 (build 201706031206) 1. Bug fix for Serial Port (init device fail).
2017/09/28 3.63 (build 201709221551) 1. Add check waveform and calculation SNR function.