Cyberon's Voice Collector 使用說明 |
Date | Version | Description |
2016/02/03 | 1.0 | First release |
2016/02/15 | 1.1 | 1. Add menu item [File] > [Folder…] to open the current working folder. 2. Disable menu item [Device] > [Select PC Microphone] while recording voice. |
2016/03/01 | 1.2 | 1. Add menu item [Device] > [Check Waveform]. |
2016/03/02 | 1.21 | 1. Bug fix: exception error when unplug the PC microphone while recording. 2. Support input command text file at command line argument. |
2016/03/07 | 1.3 (Build 201603061330) | 1. Add several hotkeys, including “Enter” to record, “Del” or “Back Space” to delete recorded voice, and “Control-Z” to Undo recording and deletion. |
2016/03/25 | 1.5 (Build 201603251100) | 1. Slight UI adjustment. |
2016/03/29 | 1.6 (Build 201603291530) | 1. Display plug-in version in About. |
2016/03/31 | 1.7 (Build 201603302330) | 1. Support record and display multi-channel wave data. 2. Allow setting channels and sample rate for PC microphone. |
2016/04/12 | 1.9 (Build 201604121830) | 1. Improve efficiency and precision of drawing spectrum. |
2016/04/18 | 2.0 (Build 201604171430) | 1. Further improve the efficiency of drawing spectrum. 2. Calculate SNR for the selected portion of waveform by pressing and moving the mouse. |
2016/05/09 | 2.1 (Build 201605072130) | 1. Bug fix: failing to write recording voice when the user is not system administrator. |
2016/05/20 | 2.2 (Build 201605201300) | 1. Bug fix: the application crashes when recording data for the utterance that is currently locked by other process. |
2016/06/30 | 2.4 (build 201606301400) | 1. Bug fix: Draw spectrum error. |
2016/07/05 | 2.5 (build 201607051102) | 1. Play beep noise before recording starts. 2. Show next command when recording. 3. Show currect command index when selected command. 4. Save setting sample rate and nchannel. |
2016/08/11 | 2.6 (build 201608111200) | 1. Bug fix: create temp folder fail. |
2016/09/12 | 2.8 (build 201609121014) | 1. Add UartRecord device. 2. Help menu add 'Developer Portal' option. |
2016/09/13 | 3.0 (build 201609121009) | 1. Bug fix for UartRecord ini file. |
2016/10/18 | 3.2 (build 201610211649) | 1. Some UI bug fixed. |
2016/11/02 | 3.3 (build 201611021543) | 1. Add UART recording device. |
2016/11/08 | 3.4 (build 201611081453) | 1. Some UI bug fixed. |
2016/11/22 | 3.5 (build 201611231232) | 1. Some UI bug fixed. |
2016/12/02 | 3.6 (build 201612011958) | 1. Remember the PC recording device used for the txt file. |
2017/05/03 | 3.81 (build 201705031718) | 1. Bug fix: IC recording error. |
2017/08/01 | 3.9 (build 201708011511) | 1. Support Serial Port. |
2017/09/28 | 4.0 (build 201709221551) | 1. Add auto recording and calculation SNR function. |
2018/01/09 | 4.1 (build 201801091806) | 1. Add SNR switch. |
2018/06/22 | 4.2 (build 201806221500) | 1. progrem crash with SNR error. |