Cyberon's Voice Collector 使用說明
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注意事項 :
  • Cyberon Voice Collector 預設支援使用 PC 麥克風和 Android 手機錄音。Android裝置須確認無其他程序占用錄音資源,並勾選開發人員選項中「USB偵錯」功能,設定步驟請參考
  • Cyberon Voice Collector 支援同時使用2個裝置錄音,請於選單 [錄音設備] > [設定錄音裝置...] 中進行設定。本工具亦支援一些 IC板做為錄音裝置,若有需求請 聯繫我們
  • 必須先安裝 Plugin 才可以使用特定的錄音裝置進行線上測試。
  • 請於選單 [說明] > [Setup-Plugin] 開啟下載頁面,注意安裝後需要重新開啟程式。
  • [錄音設備] > [設定錄音裝置...] 須在尚未開始錄音前設定,一旦開始錄音,將無法變更錄音裝置。
  • 雙擊滑鼠左右鍵或用滑鼠滾輪可放大縮小聲音的波型圖,按著滑鼠左鍵可移動滑鼠拖曳波形。
  • 此錄音軟體支援 UART 裝置。
  • UR Record僅支援Com1~Com10,且優先使用數字較小的,若需要修改Com的設定,請參考下方步驟:


  • 收集錄音資料需準備錄音文稿(.txt),文稿為 UTF-16 little endian 編碼,錄音文稿每一行為欲錄製的文字內容,每行文字錄製1或2個(當選擇2個輸入裝置)音檔(.wav)。錄音文稿範例請參考 這裡
  • 錄音後會產生與錄音文稿(.txt)對應的 script檔(.spt),記錄每個文句所錄製的音檔(.wav)路徑,每個錄音產生裝置一個script檔。Script檔範例請參考 這裡 ,script檔將可應用於其他Cyberon語音辨識工具中。
  • 錄製的音檔(.wav)與script檔(.spt)將存放於錄音文稿(.txt)所在的資料夾,我們建議一個資料夾放置一個錄音文稿以便於管理。
  • 收集訓練語音資料時請確保控制環境噪音,錄音員避免轉動椅子、敲打桌子等發出噪音。
  • 當所錄製的聲音品質不良時會發出警告,若不想要出現警告,可至選單 [錄音設備] > [檢查波形] 中取消。


    太早唸以致波形不完整,需重新錄製 :

    音量過大,需重新錄製 :

    背景雜訊太多,需重新錄製 :
setup_Cyberon_VoiceCollector_v4.2.exe(build 201806221500)
Release notes
Date Version Description
2016/02/03 1.0 First release
2016/02/15 1.1 1. Add menu item [File] > [Folder…] to open the current working folder.
2. Disable menu item [Device] > [Select PC Microphone] while recording voice.
2016/03/01 1.2 1. Add menu item [Device] > [Check Waveform].
2016/03/02 1.21 1. Bug fix: exception error when unplug the PC microphone while recording.
2. Support input command text file at command line argument.
2016/03/07 1.3 (Build 201603061330) 1. Add several hotkeys, including “Enter” to record, “Del” or “Back Space” to delete recorded voice, and “Control-Z” to Undo recording and deletion.
2016/03/25 1.5 (Build 201603251100) 1. Slight UI adjustment.
2016/03/29 1.6 (Build 201603291530) 1. Display plug-in version in About.
2016/03/31 1.7 (Build 201603302330) 1. Support record and display multi-channel wave data.
2. Allow setting channels and sample rate for PC microphone.
2016/04/12 1.9 (Build 201604121830) 1. Improve efficiency and precision of drawing spectrum.
2016/04/18 2.0 (Build 201604171430) 1. Further improve the efficiency of drawing spectrum.
2. Calculate SNR for the selected portion of waveform by pressing and moving the mouse.
2016/05/09 2.1 (Build 201605072130) 1. Bug fix: failing to write recording voice when the user is not system administrator.
2016/05/20 2.2 (Build 201605201300) 1. Bug fix: the application crashes when recording data for the utterance that is currently locked by other process.
2016/06/30 2.4 (build 201606301400) 1. Bug fix: Draw spectrum error.
2016/07/05 2.5 (build 201607051102) 1. Play beep noise before recording starts.
2. Show next command when recording.
3. Show currect command index when selected command.
4. Save setting sample rate and nchannel.
2016/08/11 2.6 (build 201608111200) 1. Bug fix: create temp folder fail.
2016/09/12 2.8 (build 201609121014) 1. Add UartRecord device.
2. Help menu add 'Developer Portal' option.
2016/09/13 3.0 (build 201609121009) 1. Bug fix for UartRecord ini file.
2016/10/18 3.2 (build 201610211649) 1. Some UI bug fixed.
2016/11/02 3.3 (build 201611021543) 1. Add UART recording device.
2016/11/08 3.4 (build 201611081453) 1. Some UI bug fixed.
2016/11/22 3.5 (build 201611231232) 1. Some UI bug fixed.
2016/12/02 3.6 (build 201612011958) 1. Remember the PC recording device used for the txt file.
2017/05/03 3.81 (build 201705031718) 1. Bug fix: IC recording error.
2017/08/01 3.9 (build 201708011511) 1. Support Serial Port.
2017/09/28 4.0 (build 201709221551) 1. Add auto recording and calculation SNR function.
2018/01/09 4.1 (build 201801091806) 1. Add SNR switch.
2018/06/22 4.2 (build 201806221500) 1. progrem crash with SNR error.